• 12 Money-Saving Household Habits To Practice While Sheltering In Place

    12 Money-Saving Household Habits To Practice While Sheltering In Place,Lesia Erickson Group

    This health crisis doesn't seem to have an end date yet, so aside from adjusting to our “new normal” (a.k.a. self-isolation and staying at home), we also have to prepare for an uncertain future. This is why we can never go wrong with building up extra cash or filling up our emergency fund.  Because you’re staying at home all day, it’s highly likely that you’re relying more heavily on utilities. You’re cooking more frequently, family members are glued to their screens more often, and you may have also opted to work from home. So this time is also a good opportunity to start learning and practicing more eco-friendly household habits to save water, energy, and even on your monthly food expenses. Having a little cash cushion is rewarding especially when things start to return to normal and you see how much has been saved in just a short time.  Here are small but sustainable household habits and practices you could take that could go a long way, even when this crisis is over:   To keep your energy costs lower: 1. Use power strips. Appliances like computers and computer-related equipment, coffee makers, video game consoles, DVD players, and kitchen appliances like microwave ovens, and even phone chargers, are called vampire appliances or energy vampires. Items like these continue to suck power even when they're off but still plugged in. And according to the Department of Energy, these vampire appliances and electronics account for 10 percent of energy used in an average home. Stop this slow money burn by making it a habit to frequently unplug these items when you’re not using them. Better yet, connect them to easy-to-switch-off power strips so you can turn them off when not in use. Reducing your phantom load means less wasted electricity that could translate to more energy savings.   2. Wash clothes in warm or cold water. If someone in your home is sick or one of the frontliners during this quarantine, you really have to wash their clothes in hot water and even bleach them. But for regular laundry, just switching from hot to warm water will cut every load's energy use in half. You’ll save even more money in utilities if you wash clothes in cold water. They’ll get just as clean, and most detergents nowadays work just as well in cold water.    3. Turn off lights and fans when not in use. Now that most family members are at home, make sure to brief them about diligently turning off the lights and fans when not in use. It isn't much to ask, but such a simple habit can add up to your monthly energy savings.   4. Run full loads in the washing machine or dishwasher. You can save significantly on your water and energy bills if you run full loads of clothes in your washing machine or dishes in your dishwasher. If you can't wait for your clean dishes until there’s a full load of them, or you don’t have enough dirty items in your laundry, simply hand wash the things you need.   5. Clean your light bulbs. Dirty light bulbs waste energy. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, they emit 30 percent less light than clean ones. So while it might be a hassle, get a stepladder and rags and dust off both the bulb and fixture to get the light that you're paying for.   6. Limit your time in the shower. We get it: most of us are guilty of taking long, steamy showers. After all, it's relaxing and a great part of our much-needed self-care routine. However, mindlessly letting your shower run not only wastes gallons of water but also money. Try to limit your shower time by setting a timer or timing it with your favorite song. Or turn the water off altogether for the meantime while waiting to rinse out your conditioner.   To save money on groceries: 7. Skimp on laundry detergent. When it comes to getting your clothes fresh and clean, ditch the idea that more soap is better. As a general rule, you typically only need a tablespoon of detergent per regular load size. So forget about the measurement cup that comes with your detergent as they don't show the actual amount that’s needed. This way, your clothes actually get cleaner and there’ll be no soap residue left behind. Also, many problems with washing machines are found to be caused by using too much laundry detergent. So it isn’t only your clothes and appliance that will be saved, your wallet will thank you as well.    8. Cut back on paper towels and use rags instead. While paper towels are convenient for cleaning, they add up to your monthly costs without your knowing. So save your paper towels for cleaning messes that need to go straight into the trash, like oil and grease. Use cotton shop towels for general cleaning and dusting, or repurpose old clothes like old t-shirts or bath towels. Don't toss them in the wash after every wipe and instead run a load of laundry just for rags. Even if you calculate the costs of washing these towels, you’ll still save more compared to buying more rolls of paper towels.   9. Use homemade cleaners. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, proper cleaning and disinfecting have never been more important. So it isn't surprising that we sometimes go to our local grocery store only to find the shelves stripped bare of commercial cleaners and supplies. If you find yourself in such a situation, don’t fret. You can try making your own cleaning products using common household items like vinegar, baking soda, lemon or lime juice, and even essential oils. Many of these homemade cleaners are cheaper than brand name cleaners. You can check online for DIY cleaning recipes that won’t only disinfect but also leave your home smelling fresh.   10. Organize your pantry. Keeping well-organized cabinets and pantries is an efficient way to cut down on your monthly food expenses simply because you are less likely to buy things you don't need or often use when you go to the grocery store. Organizing your storage will help you clear out what’s currently available and to avoid buying stuff or ingredients that you didn’t know you already have (especially if you bought them in bulk).  Place your pantry priorities at a convenient location where you can see them immediately so you can take note when stocks run low. Also, try to group items into categories—spices, baking supplies, snacks, condiments, etc.—so you can easily find them when needed and avoid overspending just because you couldn’t find anything.   11. Stick to your shopping list and plan your meals. Now that daily trips to the grocery store aren't feasible, we need to be more effective at our grocery shopping. Our mantra should be: don’t buy more than what we need. Because while it’s best for us to have enough food for two weeks, panic buying and hoarding will only do more harm than good.  This time of crisis also isn’t a good time to make a lot of impulse buying. Just take note of essential quarantine items or supplies to stock your pantry with, such as canned goods, grains, cooking oil, dry goods and other pantry staples, healthy snacks, condiments, and spices. Practice making a list before you head to the grocery store, and then stick to it.  And since you’re spending more time at home cooking, learn to plan your meals so you can make use of the stocks you currently have and reduce food waste.    12. Set a household budget. If you're still not doing this, it might be time to sit down and take a closer look at your monthly, even weekly, spending. It might be helpful to make a special “quarantine budget” to help guide your spending during lockdown. Since many of our common sources of spending are currently unavailable, such as travelling, eating out, going to the cinemas, and other social activities, your budget will probably have a lot more room. And any extra cash should go to an emergency fund because nobody knows how long this crisis will last. Money may be tight going forward, so saving whenever possible will go a long way.  With the extra time and most of the family members staying at home, take this opportunity to sit down and learn to talk about how you can save more money as a family. 

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  • 6 Easy Cleaning Tasks Homeowners Shouldn't Overlook

    6 Easy Cleaning Tasks Homeowners Shouldn't Overlook,Lesia Erickson Group

    Whether we admit it or not, there are some cleaning tasks that our minds seem to neglect every now and then. We may be guilty of one or two of these, and that's totally fine. Nobody says we can’t catch up with our spring cleaning duties, especially now that we’re mostly stuck in our homes for a while. Check this list to see if there’s any spot or task that still needs your attention:   1. Purge and organize bathroom cabinets. If you're looking for a place to start organizing and cleaning, look inside your bathroom cabinet or medicine cupboard. Throw out expired medications, old bath products and toiletries that passed their “use-by” dates, and even outdated cosmetics, as these can be hazardous to your health if you were to accidentally use them.  It may not be a huge project, but it can still be rewarding as you’ll be freeing up valuable storage space for more important supplies.   2. Clear out outdated pantry staples. Rummage through your cupboard and toss out anything that is past its expiration date, especially basic goods like flour, yeast, sauces and condiments, oils, nuts, herbs and spices. These kitchen items can go rancid or simply lose their flavor if they'd been opened a long time ago. Also, getting rid of the ones you will never use will clear out much needed storage space for new and more important items. Going forward, try buying in smaller quantities to reduce waste, especially spices you don’t often use.   3. Dust light bulbs and fixtures Cleaning light bulbs and fixtures can be quite a hassle, especially since it requires a stepladder. But it's a necessary chore if you want to have as much light in your home as possible and save money. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, dirty light bulbs shed 30 percent less light than clean ones.  Because light bulbs these days have much longer lifespan than they used to because of LED and CFL technology, they’ll eventually get dirty and should be cleaned. Just remember to exercise some caution when cleaning them. Turn off the electricity to the fixture and put a piece of tape over the switch to make sure no one else turns it on while you’re working. Then wipe them with a dry microfiber cloth to get rid of dust and dirt. Refrain from using a damp cloth as water can get into the crevices in the lamp that can damage electronics. Likewise, don’t spray cleaning solutions directly onto the light bulb to avoid damaging it.   4. Disinfect doorknobs, cabinet handles, light switches, and other high-touch surfaces. Especially during these uncertain times, we can't afford to forget to clean things that are always right under our fingertips. Experts recommend cleaning high-touch surfaces above all else to stop the transmission of germs to other areas of the home. These surfaces include light switches, doorknobs, cabinet pulls and drawer handles, railings, faucets, remote controls, desks, countertops, even the handle on your oven or microwave, and knobs of the stove. These surfaces are some of the germiest places in your house because of the number of times they are touched by different hands in a day, especially when family members are all at home. Make sure to disinfect these spots at least twice a day, even a couple of times if there’s a family member who’s sick.    5. Wash your reusable grocery bags. Can you remember the last time you washed your grocery totes? It's great that you’re doing your part in saving the environment and reducing plastic waste, but your reusable grocery bags harbor bacteria that can be easily moved to food, and then to your refrigerator. Wash your shopping bags after every use, especially bags used for meats, produce, and pre-cooked foods, to prevent cross-contamination and food poisoning.  Throw them in the washer or wash by hand, depending on the bag’s material. And do not ever leave unwashed bags in the car, as the high heat will serve as a perfect ground for bacteria to multiply.   6. Wash and disinfect trash cans. The next time you put out the garbage, sanitize the trash can with a mixture of soap and bleach before adding in a new bag. It's where we throw all the gross stuff and yet we often forget that we also have to clean it. If your garbage can is placed inside a cabinet, disinfect the cabinet as well to make sure nothing icky remains.   Here's a few tips to remember when cleaning and organizing your home: Wash your hands properly and frequently. Wear gloves when cleaning and disinfecting surfaces. Always read and follow label instructions of a cleaner or disinfectant before using.

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  • 5 Simple Ways To Appreciate Your Home

    5 Simple Ways To Appreciate Your Home,Lesia Erickson Group

    It's easier to wish for our home to be something different—to dream of perfect marble counter tops, a cozy front porch, or a pristine bathroom just like what we see on design magazines and HGTV. Because of these, we sometimes tend to fall out of love with our home, especially when we start to notice its little imperfections. But no matter the size and condition of your space, we must feel content for what we have, especially the roof over our heads. Did you know that every 3rd of December, we celebrate what we call the “National Roof Over Your Head Day” as a day to be thankful for what we have, and show appreciation for the places we call home? This time, if you're falling out of love with your space, feel free to work through these five suggestions to gain a deeper appreciation of your house and embrace it for what it is.   1. Add house plants. Make your home greener and more invigorating by adding house plants. They are inexpensive, make such fantastic decorations, and can also make your house happier and healthier. Lots of studies have found out that indoor plants help us reduce stress and anxiety, improve air quality, and facilitate healing. Even if you're not one with a green thumb, you can tend to indoor plants that are low-maintenance and could be impossible to kill. If you have pets around the house, choose pet-friendly varieties such as spider plants and some succulents. Having house plants is a great way to appreciate your home.    2. Tackle a home project you've always wanted to try. Whether it is giving your front door a fresh coat of paint (Hello, Classic Blue, the Pantone Color of the Year 2020) or simply changing the hardware on your kitchen cabinets, make one upgrade that you've always wanted to recapture the feeling of having something new in your home. There are tons of cheap but great DIY projects you can do to give your humble abode its “newness” factor it might have lost. There’s nothing more satisfying than making a home upgrade which, if done right, could even help in its future resale value.    3. See your home in a new perspective. Sometimes, if there's not enough room in our budget to complete even a DIY upgrade, all we need is a fresh perspective. Use your space in a new way by trying out a new living room arrangement, rearrange the furniture, or go bolder and swap two rooms entirely. These will give you a new outlook on how you’re using a particular space before. Simply changing your room arrangement may even give you more space to set up the perfect reading nook or a mini creative studio.   4. Let there be light. You may be surprised that simply tweaking the lighting in a room can dramatically change its mood. Lighting is often a neglected part of interior design but it plays an important role in promoting functionality and creating the illusion of space. For starters, reevaluate the lighting in each room and make sure every light in your home serves a purpose to maximize its potential. A new table lamp or an overhead fixture can make an amazing difference in the experience of a room, so don't be afraid to have enough light sources.   5. Consider cleaning as part of your self-care ritual. The moment you get your keys, you should treat yourself and your home as one. This is why you should consider cleaning as part of your self-care as a way to express gratitude for your home and embrace what you have. This way, cleaning will be something you'll enjoy doing. It will help set your mood towards accomplishing other bigger tasks you want to do in your home.   There are many ways we can appreciate the place we call home. Because no matter its size, style, or structure, it will always be our safe haven. At the end of the day, think about and be thankful for the people you share your home with, and the countless memories you've shared or will be sharing under your humble roof over the years.

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  • Which Real Estate Documents Should You Keep After Closing?

    Which Real Estate Documents Should You Keep After Closing?,Lesia Erickson Group

    When you purchase a home, you need to sign an enormous pile of mortgage and closing documents, where each document can total hundreds of pages or more. The huge dilemma: they will likely take up a huge part of your storage space, so you may not want to file all of it. However, you also don't want to throw out or destroy something crucial.  Still, it's important to keep these documents on hand after closing on your home for future reference. You may need them later on in the event that you need to file a claim, either against the seller or any professional from your home buying team (hopefully, that won’t happen). Your closing company will also keep a record of your closing documents, but it’s wiser to keep them handy while you’re residing in the home and when you’re preparing to sell it. Here’s a list of real estate documents you should keep filed in a safe and accessible place: The real estate purchase agreement is a legally binding contract signed by both the buyer and seller. It sets forth all the terms and conditions for the home purchase, including the purchase price, closing date, essential rights and conditions, and other terms agreed upon by both parties.  The provisions stated in this bilateral agreement must be followed and there could be legal ramifications if the buyer or seller fails to fulfill the duties indicated in the document.   These are documents that alter or amend the terms of your signed purchase contract, and they're worth keeping since they are often related to home inspections or appraisals. These documents could clarify any issues you may encounter down the road or correct any clerical mistakes related to the seller’s or buyer’s name.   This is the contract you signed when you hire a real estate agent to represent you in your home purchase. This agreement is between you and the brokerage and outlines the terms of the relationship with your agent. It details what services your agent agreed to provide you with, as well as the terms of terminating the agreement. The contract also spells out who pays for the commission which, in most cases, is handled by the seller. Make sure to keep this document just in case you encounter an issue with your real estate agent even after the transaction closes.   Sellers are required by law to disclose certain issues with the home to their potential buyers. It is known as the “caveat emptor,” a general rule in buying and selling real estate which means “let the buyer beware.” Disclosure regulations vary by state and issues may include asbestos, lead-based paint, pest manifestations, mold, and repairs done without a permit. The seller's failure to disclose these issues in accordance with government or state laws can be a basis for future lawsuits against them. Make sure that you won’t lose them so that in case a major problem comes up with your home after you move in, you won’t have trouble holding the seller accountable.   This detailed document produced by your home inspector shows the condition of the home and its potential problems. It's an itemized list of the inspector’s findings, highlighting which parts of the home are still in good condition and which are in need of repair or replacement. It should also include photos of the property’s problem areas. Storing this report will help you in planning the repairs you need to make in the future. If you have a digital file of the report, copy it in cloud-based storage so you’ll have a backup.   The closing disclosure is provided by the mortgage lender to a borrower at least three business days before settlement. It includes all the things related to your mortgage loan, such as the loan term (whether it's for 15 or 30 years), loan type (if it’s a fixed-rate or adjustable-rate mortgage), the interest rates, and all the estimated costs associated with closing and your mortgage. It’s an important document that you’ll need when you file your taxes to get deductions for things like mortgage points.   Your policy includes all the terms, conditions, premium notice, and policy number for your homeowner's insurance. Keep these documents on hand and remember to update them regularly to make sure you have all the right policy types and the appropriate amount of coverage in case of natural disasters like fire, hurricane, floods, or an earthquake.   Title insurance offers protection against any defects with the title, legal ownership status, or any competing claims to a home. Your owner's title insurance policy will cover any financial loss in case someone tries to claim the property and wants to settle the case in the court of law, or if there are existing property liens for delinquent taxes and other debts incurred by the former homeowners.   The property deed is a legal document that confirms your ownership rights to the home. It's proof you can show to anyone that you now hold the title and you legally own the home you’re residing in. Typically, the property deed is sent to you after the title transfer documents are recorded in your county’s public records office. Make sure to secure the physical document because before the deed is mailed to you, neither the mortgage lender nor the title company is required to keep a copy of it.

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  • 10 Little Weekend Projects You Can Do To Refresh Your Home

    10 Little Weekend Projects You Can Do To Refresh Your Home,Lesia Erickson Group

    Spiff up every space in your home with these DIY projects you can do on a weekend to make your home look and feel its best, especially if you've been living in it for a while. These improvements may not cost a lot, but they’ll make a big difference in how your home looks and functions.  So get your creative juices flowing and give your home some TLC with one or more of these updates: Adding a new backsplash is an amazing way to freshen up your dull kitchen and add some colors and patterns to it. They add character and also protect your tiles from splashes and spills. Besides, they are easy to install and can be done without the help of a professional. If you can't manage to install new ceramic or glass tile backsplash because of a tight budget, use peel-and-stick decals to transform those boring white tiles and add a pop of color to a neutral kitchen. An eclectic gallery wall is brimming with endless possibilities since you can display anything to it—mirrors, photographs, drawings or artwork, wooden letters, postcards, clocks, or even empty frames. It'll help to add color, pattern, and to personalize an otherwise blank space. You can keep it stylish, chic, sophisticated or even rustic depending on your choice. The most important thing is to think out of the box to create a unique statement wall that will simply define you.   Get creative with your drawer space or a basic shelf by constructing a mini charging station for your family's devices. Drill a hole through the back of the dresser and drawer to accommodate electrical cords behind it. Then, use a drawer divider (or even cartons) and a power strip to organize your cell phones, music players and other electronics, together with their respective chargers. With this simple hack, you can keep clutter to a minimum and there won’t be a need to search all the drawers for your charger when it’s time to plug in your favorite device. Make use of boring, static walls and maximize your home's vertical space by installing floating shelves. You can add these shelves above your TV, or if you want to increase storage space in the laundry room or bathroom. They’re also the perfect choice in place of a bookcase or to be added in the corner of a room. They also offer flexibility when seasons or your tastes change so you can always have that fresh, cozy look. To add some visual interest, add and arrange framed artworks, decor, coffee table books, family photos, and even succulents.  Updating your light fixtures is a simple DIY project that can have a game-changing effect on your home since good lighting sets up an invigorating mood and can even add size in any room. So whether you make the most out of natural light or invest in some new bulbs or lampshades, use lighting to create layers and accents. For a rather modern look, swap out the traditional chandelier and go for several pendant lights to grace your dining table or light up a workspace. Switching out your light fixtures in the entryway is also a good project if you need ideas to improve your home's curb appeal. Give your cabinets, drawers, and doors a facelift by replacing their standard handles and pulls with hardware pieces that reflect your personal taste. It's an easy and affordable DIY project that can have a surprising effect on a room’s look, no matter how small these elements are. You can add trendy brass pulls for a modern look, or you can mix and match different metals and finishes to suit the room’s overall aesthetic. Visit a home decor store for new ideas and to check what material and color go well to your home style. Just make sure to measure the existing anchor holes and choose an alternative that’s the same width before doing this update. The combination of new window treatments and new curtains can go a long way in giving a pretty facelift in a room. Trade your shabby window treatments for some new panels that you can DIY or purchase, then opt for flowy curtains that will not only block out the sun but will also give a boost of color to your home. If you're feeling fancy and want to add more visual interest into your window, use dark-toned curtain rods with decorative caps.  With some cheap peel-and-stick wall decals, you can transform a plain and boring room into an artsy wall without spending a lot of time and money. This is also a great way to accessorize your kid's room since you can let them feature their favorite characters and designs. Also, when their style and preference change, the decals are super easy to switch out. For the living room and other common areas, choose a patterned piece that is appropriate to your furniture. There are also peel-and-stick wood products if you want to give a new face to cabinets and drawers.   If you're looking to redefine and add warmth to a space, there’s no better and cheaper way to do it than adding rugs and fabric. And it isn’t only the colors and patterns of the rugs that can have an impact, but their placement as well. You don’t even need to use expensive carpets since you can layer them together. Go with rugs that have bold designs and striking hues or with colors that complement your home’s overall theme and style, then lay them diagonally on the floor for that added visual interest. You can also drape sheets of fabric on your lampshades or on the sofa for that subtle transformation.  Don't let another sticky note fall off the fridge by adding a message board in your kitchen or dining area. This is a great upgrade from your simple calendar or notepad and it’s also a fun and functional DIY project that everyone in the family will enjoy. Purchase a premade message board (you have a lot of options—magnetic, cork, or even glass) and fit it in a nice patch of empty wall space that is readily visible to everyone. You can use it for your grocery lists, daily reminders, or even short but sweet family messages that will let you stay reminded and connected to everyone living in the home. 

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  • The Things You'll Love and Hate About Being A Homeowner

    The Things You'll Love and Hate About Being A Homeowner,Lesia Erickson Group

    It's true what they say, “Owning a home is like having a ‘high-maintenance’ relationship”. Your home needs your complete commitment, time, effort, and money. There will be those initial moments that you will always reminisce about—the time you were handed your house keys. But there are also moments that you will hate being a homeowner and wish you could go back to your old landlord. You quickly realize that you’re stuck there for good or bad. But at the end of the day, there’s the undeniable pride of homeownership and the reality that you’re taking care of your biggest investment. Buying your home for the first time, no matter your age, gives you a sense of true adulthood. The feeling that you're getting your life together is unlike any other, especially if it’s your first time moving away from your parents’ home. While the path to owning a piece of property may have been difficult and complicated, the moment you got your house keys was definitely priceless. Finally, you're paying down your own debt and not someone else’s (Spell: Your landlord). While renting provides flexibility in terms of where you want to live, your rent increases and your landlord could make you move out when your lease is up. The average rent prices rose by 3% year-over-year, according to the Yardi Matrix data presented in RentCafe’s Apartment Report in April 2019. Owning a home means you’re no longer throwing away money on rent leaving you nothing to show for it. Want to remodel the kitchen? Want to paint your bedroom walls in unicorn colors? Want to turn an extra room into your man cave? Go right ahead! There's no one to stop you because you’re the landlord now. There’s no need to get your landlord’s approval to do any alterations to your home. You can even knock down a wall to create an open floor plan if it suits you. Your home is a blank canvass to express yourself, so it’s up to you to apply any modifications you want. Prior to purchasing a home, you might not have even cared about the color or brand of your mattress, the plates you're using, or even the shower curtains in the bathroom. But now trips to IKEA or any home improvement stores are absolute necessities and a fun way to spend the weekend. And admit it, home warehouse sales could now make or break you. You’re utterly drawn to that buy-one-get-one decorative pillows or that 20% sale on an outdoor coffee table just so you’ll have new excuses to redecorate your home.  Who doesn't take extra care of their things when they’re new? Whether it’s new shoes, gadgets, or a new car, you immediately try to keep it in its best shape for a few weeks. When you own a new piece of property, you are dead set to keep every nook and cranny as clean and organized as possible. So it can be torture when something breaks for the first time, especially now that you’re the landlord. But once you survived that incident, enjoy the feeling that you can now handle every challenge that will be thrown your way. Being a homeowner is a ton of work, so there are sacrifices you have to make every now and then to take care of your beloved investment. Yes, you can always hire a handyman when something needs to be fixed or be replaced, but when the task is simple enough it might make more sense to handle it yourself instead of paying someone else to do it. And tasks such as changing a lightbulb, fixing a leaky faucet, and replacing air filters, are just some easy home maintenance tasks that you need to learn to be a better homeowner. It could mean passing on a Saturday brunch with some of your friends to prioritize these things, but it also means you can save some bucks when you DIY. When you were renting your housing expenses were pretty fixed and predictable, such as rent and basic utilities. You can count on your landlord to handle everything else, especially for any unexpected maintenance costs. But now that you're a homeowner, your monthly mortgage payments may never be up, but there are other expenses that you are now responsible for. There’s no landlord to handle payments for city services such as trash, water, and recycling collection, snow removal; or even the HOA fees and property taxes. That’s why you need to consider the “hidden costs” of homeownership before buying a house. You need to have a comfortable cushion of funds for these expenses. No homeowner wants to be house poor, right? From your first housewarming party to every occasion there is (including Super Bowl games!), there's more room to entertain a large crowd when you own a home. You can also cheer or party as loudly as you want without worrying about your landlord complaining about the noise, even into the wee hours. Just make sure to keep the noise reasonable for the sake of your neighbors. But nonetheless, you’ll be making good and lasting memories in your home without the fear of being caught or being told what to do. One of the downsides of being a renter is you rarely engage in a conversation with your neighbors. You may have never even met most of the people living in your apartment building. But when you own a home, it paves the way towards other types of activities, such as contributing to the community. According to NerdWallet's Millennials and Homebuying Study, one of the top reasons young renters choose to own is to feel engaged in their community. Owning a home in a community is one of the major reasons why residents become more civically involved. Don’t be surprised if you found yourself smiling and waving at your neighbors even when you’ve just moved in, or attending a community board meeting to participate in an issue you care about. When you finally own your place, you can breathe easy knowing that there's no landlord to scrutinize and judge your every move. And that feeling of true adulthood will again sink in. Despite the bills that never seem to end, you can save a ton of money come tax time. There are tax credits that only homeowners can enjoy, such as for property taxes, mortgage interest, renewable energy products and upgrades, home equity loan interest, and even for certain home improvements. 

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  • 6 Things to Remember When Choosing Paint Colors for Your Home

    6 Things to Remember When Choosing Paint Colors for Your Home,Lesia Erickson Group

    Putting on a fresh coat of paint is one of the simplest and cheapest ways to transform the look of a home. However, with the endless colors and shades to choose from, deciding on a paint color can be the most difficult part. In 2019, we bid farewell to Ultra Violet and say hello to Living Coral as the Pantone Color of the Year. But don't just go straight to the paint store to buy several cans of this coral hue. Choosing the perfect color for your home can be tricky and formula guides and color swatches won’t be helpful if you don’t take into consideration some factors involved in your home. So whether you’re looking to sell your home or simply give it a makeover, keep your paint obsession on hold until you read these essential suggestions first: 1. Pay attention to the room's lighting. The light source in the room you’re painting can greatly affect the way a color appears. A certain color may appear different in a room filled with sunshine, compared to a room that’s lit with fluorescent bulbs. So don’t forget to take lighting into consideration when selecting colors for a specific space. 2. Take note of the color’s undertone and the paint’s finish. Despite having endless options, remember that all colors have undertones. And according to, “undertones are the secret code of every color.” Some undertones are not easily visible unless paired with other colors. The floor, counter surfaces, and even lighting can all bring out surprising undertones from your painted walls, so make sure that the items or the lighting in the room didn’t bring out an undertone that you weren’t intending to. Likewise, paint colors have varying sheens and finishes, like a matte vs semi-gloss paint. Matte finishes can be cheaper but are less durable, while high-gloss can be easier to clean. 3. Choose paint colors that will complement the fixed furnishings in the room. Take into consideration the fixed furnishings in a room — the flooring, wood finishes, countertops, wallpaper, tile, or built-in cabinets — and choose colors that will enhance these materials. As much as possible, you’d want your wall color to complement the existing color scheme of the cabinetry and other furnishings, especially in the kitchen and bathroom. 4. Keep in mind the character of your neighborhood. Putting a fresh coat of paint on your house’s exterior can give it an instant makeover and spruce up curb appeal, which can be a huge selling point for your home. But when choosing a color for your facade, keep in mind the character of the neighborhood, especially when you’re living in an HOA community. Make sure the color of the exterior will blend well with the landscape surrounding your property and the neighborhood you’re in. 5. Never pick a color from a computer screen. Have you experienced receiving an online order, like a sweatshirt or a dress, that turned out to be a different color than what you saw on the screen when you ordered it? You can blame the computer screen, as colors always show up differently in monitor displays. So if you’re choosing paint colors for your home, better not rely on what you see on the computer. Instead, get color chips from the hardware or paint store to start your search and narrow down your choices. 6. If you’re looking to sell your home, choose paint colors that will give you the best bang for your buck. According to Zillow’s 2018 Color Report, the colors you choose to decorate your home with can have a powerful impact on the home’s sale price. Their Paint Color Analysis showed that the rules and results vary depending on the room type. Although it may seem like a tedious job to paint your house to get it ready to sell, the effort may be worth it. Here are some of the best paint colors to help sell your home: The Blues Blue proves to be the color of royalty, especially when your house with its different shades of blue rakes in more cash than you expected. - A navy blue front door could add as much as $1,514 to the sales price of your home and painting your front door is one of the cheapest projects you can do to upgrade the look of your home. - A light pale blue to a periwinkle blue paint could do well for bathrooms and increases the average selling price of a home by $2,786. - Cerulean or cadet blue is a great choice for bedrooms!   Gray and Beige “Greige,” or a combination of gray and beige, is a trendy color that is the offspring of light gray and warm beige. It's a neutral color that will work well with most types of furniture, textile, and other furnishings. It helps create a modern-day classic feel in any home and is also a safe color when it comes to staging. Zillow reports that greige-colored homes saw as much as $3,496 more than the expected price of the home, even outselling their brown or tan counterparts.   Earth Tones and neutral colors Don’t neglect the neutral colors and don’t even think that they’re boring or won’t help sell your home. In fact, Zillow believes that homes with neutral colors simply have wider appeal for minimalists and maximalists alike, and it could be a signal that a home has other desirable features. Homes with light taupe living rooms, particularly with tan, peach or pink undertones, sell for more than what is expected.   The Good Ol’ Black You can accentuate the color black when you use it for your front door, or opt for black kitchen islands with white cabinets.   The colors you want to avoid (as much as possible) The colors that could be harmful to your home's sale price include: Yellow - Specifically for the kitchen. Homes in this color reportedly sell for $3,408 less than expected, according to the Zillow report. Even homes with brown walls with yellow undertones sell less than expected. Red - Especially in the dining room and kitchen. White - Surprisingly, bathrooms painted in plain white sold for $4,035 less on average.

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  • 10 Moving Mistakes You'd Want To Avoid

    10 Moving Mistakes You'd Want To Avoid,Lesia Erickson Group

    Moving is complicated and stressful. There's more to it than buying several boxes, packing your stuff and relocating to your new home because, in reality, there are a lot of things that could go wrong. Here are some of the most common moving mistakes, and tips on how to avoid them through proper planning and allocating enough time towards the process.   1. Miscalculating how many boxes you'll need. Before packing your things, try to come up with a good estimate of the number of boxes you need. If you fall short, take note of what you already have — such as suitcases and dresser drawers — and use them as makeshift moving containers to cut down on the costs of boxes.   2. Not getting enough padding for your items. Having enough padding materials is necessary if you don't want to end up with broken items when you arrive in your new home. You will need a good stock of bubble wrap or thick packing paper to cushion fragile items and protect your furniture edges from scratches. Likewise, you can also use personal items such as linens, blankets, bedding, and even clothes and dish towels to wrap up any fragile and sharp objects and fill in the gaps in their moving boxes.   3. Forgetting to label your boxes. “Labeling boxes is Moving 101,” according to When you pack your things, don't forget to have markers and tape with you to organize your stuff. Knowing what things are included in each box will also lessen the time it will take you to unpack.   4. Packing your things at the last minute. Even if you're the least organized person and you plan to just throw things into moving boxes, remember that packing takes time. You thought it’ll only take you an hour to pack the things in your bedroom when in reality, it could take you a whole day to sort through your stuff. The kitchen might even take you 2-3 days, especially if you have any delicate items that need to be carefully wrapped and stored. Remember to give yourself enough time and be realistic about how much it will take you to tackle each area in your home. You can avoid the stress of trying to pack on a tight timeline when you plan these things ahead.   5. Not preparing a moving essentials bag. A moving essentials bag is a duffel bag, backpack, or a suitcase where you can easily access the things you'll need on the day of your move and the few days after it. It’ll be convenient for you since you won’t have to rummage through all your moving boxes just to find a basic item you’re looking for. Fill it with your personal items and necessities such as your wallet, keys, medications, basic toiletries, important documents, electronics and chargers, a few clothes, etc. If you have kids, remember to have them pack their own essentials bag, as well.   6. Not getting rid of things you no longer need. Sort through your items and simply throw out the things you no longer need. Remember that the fewer things you have to move, the better and less stressful it can be for you. You can save time, money, and effort, and won't have to waste resources like boxes, padding, and fuel. So don’t waste time packing stuff you don’t really need, only to unpack them again in your new home without knowing where those things will fit. You can donate your stuff or give them to family members once they no longer serve a purpose in your life.   7. You choose to DIY your move instead of getting professional help. Think twice before deciding to DIY your move instead of hiring the expertise of a professional moving company to save money. Remember that a DIY move may not be as cheap if you will count these major pitfalls, such as wear and tear on your body, damage to household goods, and unexpected fuel costs. Even if you have friends who are willing to help, it's still labor-intensive and risky.   Hiring moving experts will help you in assessing the size of your move. They are also a great help for moving belongings and furniture, lifting heavy items, and handling the move in a safe and organized manner. You will do yourself a favor if you hire the pros, especially if you have a truck’s worth of heavy belongings.   8. Not anticipating the cost of your move. Most movers offer estimates, not quotes, so you can have a general idea of what your move will cost you. This will be helpful especially if you're trying to keep costs in a certain range. Figure out how much you need to budget so you won’t be surprised in case there’s a fuel surcharge or you will need significant add-on services from the movers. Experts recommend that you get at least three estimates from different moving companies. Also, don’t forget to ask questions about possible hidden fees, especially if you’re considering the cheapest bid.   9. You didn't check your insurance. With moving insurance, there are many policies and coverage levels to choose from. Before choosing a moving company, ask about what types of coverage options are available to you and whether you need to get more than what's being offered. This is also the time to review your homeowner's insurance policy if it offers additional moving insurance to know which works best for your move.   10. You forget that plants and animals have special needs when moving. With all the other things you're worried about, it’s unavoidable to forget the special needs of our pets and even plants when moving. You can’t just throw them in the box or load them in your car. Make sure that before moving day, your pet has current shots, tags, papers, and certificates, especially if you are moving from one state to another.   Keep in mind that lots of movers won’t handle plants especially if you’re crossing state lines. If you’re planning to bring them by car, remember to first check with the USDA for specific rules and regulations in the state where you’re relocating. If you find out you can’t move your plants, you may opt to donate them to friends, the community garden, or the local retirement home.

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  • The Pet Owner's Guide To Selling A Home: 5 Things To Do To Prepare Your Property

    The Pet Owner's Guide To Selling A Home: 5 Things To Do To Prepare Your Property,Lesia Erickson Group

    We love our pets, there's no doubt about it. They’re a part of our family, of our home. However, once you’ve put your house on the market, you need to understand that not all potential buyers would want to see your pets while they are touring your property. In fact, seeing your pets or any evidence of them can make them wince and possibly turn them away, even if they are pet lovers themselves. If you have a dog, cat, or any other pets, here are some extra steps you need to take to prepare your home for sale: 1. Give them a holiday. The best way to keep your home clean and get it ready for showings is to temporarily relocate your pets. If you can, arrange to let them stay with a trusted family member or friend for the meantime. This will give you the chance to meticulously clean your house and eliminate all signs of animals. Likewise, buyers (and your realtor) will have an easier time looking at your property during showings since there won't be any barking or purring in the background. Remember that you won’t be at home when people tour your home, so if your pets can also get out for a little while, the better.   2. Eliminate pet odors. What's one of the biggest deal-breakers among buyers? Funky smells and pet odors, by the way, are one of the main culprits. Removing the scent your animals leave behind can be your biggest challenge when preparing your home for sale. It’s not as easy as hiding away your pet’s accessories or throwing out their litter box. You don’t want buyers to be welcomed by your living room’s magnificent carpet, only to find out that it reeks of urine. Uh-oh. Because you’re already accustomed to the odors in your home, it might be harder to realize how your property really smells. Try using a pet odor remover or baking soda to dispel all traces of your pet’s urine. For animals like hamsters, guinea pigs, turtles, snakes, and fish, clean their cages or tanks frequently. If you need to, you can hire a professional cleaning service to clean your carpets and other hard-to-reach places. Then, bring in a friend or your realtor to do a whiff test to ensure your home smells fresh and inviting.   3. Get rid of pet hair and stains. Aside from the smell, tufts of fur can get stuck to your upholstered furniture and even on floors. This will not only make your home look messy, but it can also trigger allergies among your potential buyers. Make sure that before each showing, you've dusted and vacuumed your entire home to remove any signs of your furbaby’s hair. The same goes for any stains on the carpets and rugs. Take note of any discoloration and fix them, if you can. If not, replace your rugs and deal with the tougher stains on your floors and walls using a commercial-grade cleaner and disinfectant.   4. Hide their stuff and accessories. Remember that your pet's accessories are not part of your home staging, no matter how adorable they look (Yes, even those cute socks and holiday costumes!). Even potential buyers who are pet lovers won’t be impressed and will likely see them as clutter. So those collars, leashes, toys, food, food bowls, and pet beds need to be put away— make sure to clean them before stashing them away in a cupboard or closet.   5. Repair any damage caused by your pets. Take the time to fix any significant damage in your home that was caused by your dog or cat's constant chewing and biting. It may cost you money, especially if the damage to your furniture, carpets, and hardwood flooring is extensive. However, remember that the amount you’ve spent paying for repairs and cleaning may be worth it once you see that many potential buyers want your home and your home eventually sells for top dollar.   Bottom Line Selling a home when you have pets won't be any harder as long as you know how to properly prepare your property to get offers from potential buyers. The best way to manage it is by informing your real estate agent about your pet situation so he or she will know how to handle every little detail to help sell your home.

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  • Renovating Without A Permit? Here Are 7 Reasons Why It's A Big No-No

    Renovating Without A Permit? Here Are 7 Reasons Why It's A Big No-No,Lesia Erickson Group

    A home renovation is a great way to add value and satisfaction to your beloved abode. After all, who doesn't love stepping into a new room, a finished basement, or a renovated bathroom? However, before "undertaking any of the character-building, heavy-lifting labor" there’s the time-consuming and costly process of obtaining renovation permits. How long a permit can be approved depends on the scale of the project. For smaller renovations, it may take as little as 24 hours. Expectedly, larger projects might take longer so homeowners may have a bit of a wait on their hands. So who says it isn’t tempting to save a bit of time and money skipping that step entirely and pushing ahead with your planned renovations? Well if you do, prepare to face some terrible consequences. Unpermitted work refers to any modifications made to the home that should have been permitted but were not. Aside from a sunken property value, your biggest risk may lie in the job itself. Without the proper permits, there's no guarantee that your contractors will execute a professional job. The results of this could be disastrous. For instance, if you sell, those substandard improvements might cause you trouble during a home inspection. It's a nightmare to think about, but it means big trouble if your municipality or city office finds out you’re renovating sans-permits. Some cities will only inspect, but some will issue a stop-work order and may even slap a hefty fine on both the homeowner and contractor. Worse still, the city could order a teardown of the entire project with a subsequent order to redo any work done with the proper permits finally in hand. Another area of concern is that any unpermitted additions may not be covered, and even violate your insurance policy. It is especially concerning if an accident or disaster occurred in that part of your home. If there's been a house fire caused by faulty wiring due to poor electrical work, or if someone fell and seriously injured themselves you could be facing a costly nightmare. Filing an insurance claim for a scenario like this could be futile; your policy probably isn't going to cover the issue, additionally, you may be heading towards a complicated, costly lawsuit. As we mentioned earlier, failing to get permits could cause the value of your home to drop. Why? For starters, real estate information in your local municipality needs to be up to date to help maintain home values and stay current with taxes and insurance. Renovation permits will help ensure that your property keeps up with the latest health and safety standards. When you sell, an appraiser will assess your home in order to gauge its objective market value. Any unpermitted work brought into concern because of safety defects could depreciate your home's value. Even worse, you could be fined with the appraiser also demanding that the work be removed and redone—this time with proper permits secured. Likewise, any room additions not up to code will be excluded in the square footage stated in your “updated”  home listing. That means buyers will think your home is smaller than it really is. Notwithstanding the huge laundry list of features and amenities potential buyers look for in a new home, above all is a safe and secure place. Should they discover the house they're looking at has undergone an unpermitted structural remodel, it can imbue them with uncertainty, causing a loss of confidence in your property, and resulting in some serious purchase reconsiderations. The buyer might think you hired someone unqualified to do the work because you didn’t even bother getting permits. They may feel that the completed renovation is unsafe, leaving them clouded with worry about long-term problems down the line. A good buyer’s agent is going to make sure that permits were pulled on any significant additions done to the property, so there’s no escaping the consequences. However, if permits were secured for the renovations, concerns like these all go out the window, with the buyer immediately given peace of mind and assurance, enticing them to make a good and reasonable offer. Well, it might be overreacting, but not getting permits for a significant modification or addition can stop a home sale. Wait, what? You heard right! Once your home has entered the market, a subsequent home inspection and appraisal will follow as is required by the selling process. The inspector will ensure that buyers know exactly what they're getting while the appraiser will look to protect the interests of the bank or lending institution, ensuring proper standards are met before they approve the loan. Both professionals can easily request public records on your home, including the permits (or lack thereof) for any improvements made, assuring that the property is not only habitable but in good working order. It could cost you the home sale if the bank doesn’t want to fund the loan because the appraiser’s requests were not met, or if the potential buyer backed out due to personal uncertainty with regard to property safety and structural integrity.   Admittedly, securing a renovation permit can be a hassle. You have to provide your local municipality with your detailed plans for the remodel, as well as additional documentation if needed. Moreover, permits come with corresponding fees. However, proceeding to push through with a renovation without proper paperwork can lead to dire consequences, as discussed above. The commonalities shared by those risks are time wasted, money squandered and maybe a forthcoming lawsuit. Not to mention, most likely you'd also be required to undo all the work done, taking you and your home back to square one on what could have been a great addition.   Tips: Know what renovations require permits. Any substantial, structural, or significant remodel requires the homeowner or seller to get a permit. These major renovations could include electrical or plumbing work, basement refurbishment, or room addition. However, if you are only updating or sprucing up an existing space, then permits might not be necessary. Consult with your city building committee. However, building codes and the legal requirements to pull a permit vary with every city. With this in mind, it's important to check with your local municipality or city building code committee to make sure there won’t be any problem before you tear down a wall or remodel anything. Hire only licensed and reputable contractors. You can rest assured that they won't work without securing proper permits, giving you peace of mind that their work will be up to code.

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  • 5 Ways You Can Ace Moving To A New Home When You Have Kids

    5 Ways You Can Ace Moving To A New Home When You Have Kids,Lesia Erickson Group

    According to the National Association of Realtors® (NAR), home buyers and sellers with children face a unique set of difficulties and stressors during the moving process. If you are a parent anticipating a move, it's likely you have a ton of things on your mind. Maybe you need to sell your old house, contact the movers, pack your belongings, and prepare all the things needed in your new home. Then add the kids to the situation and you’re probably facing a whole different level of chaos and anxiety. If you’re already feeling nervous and worried about your upcoming move just imagine how difficult it can be for your kids. Whether you have a toddler or a teen, the idea of getting ready to start somewhere new can be very scary. However, there are things you can do to get the youngest family members prepared and even excited about this new chapter and to help the family’s moving process go smoothly. 1. Keep them informed. The best way you can prepare your kids for your expected move is to talk to them about it. Keep them informed and tell them what they can expect. Even if they won't be thrilled by the news, especially the teens, help them deal with their feelings. Explain to them why the family needs to do it — whether it’s for your new job or because they will need bigger rooms — and address any concerns they share with you. The sooner you can explain it to them, the more time they will have to cope with the news in their own way. Lastly, reassure them that not everything will be changing once you move into your new home.   2. Get them involved. While moving and packing when you have kids can be more stressful, there are ways to cope with it. If your children are old enough to help, get them involved by allowing them to pack their own things and personalize their boxes. This will help keep them busy and will also help you identify their belongings when it's time for you to unpack. Help them decide on what things they want to keep, especially their toys and clothes, and what can be sold or donated to a charity. But be ready because they might get upset when they have to let go of some things. When you arrive at the new house, tour them around and let them contribute to little things like choosing the wall colors or the furniture arrangement of their new room. Make sure they’ll get to unload their belongings first so they will see familiar objects as soon as possible, particularly those things they are attached to.   3. Let them have proper goodbyes. Material things aside, the biggest problem your kids might have emotionally is whether they will make friends and become accepted in your new area. “Will I be able to find a new best friend?”, “Is my new teacher as kind as Miss Lily?”, “Can I continue playing baseball or football?” Even if you aren't sure about these circumstances continue to talk with them to ease their fears. Throw a farewell party so they can say proper goodbyes to their close friends. You can also encourage them to stay connected through writing and mailing letters (let them know how exciting it is to have a penpal!). In today’s age there are also plenty of ways to connect through social media. These little things can help them keep their old friends, while at the same time you can encourage them that they can build new and better relationships in your new place.   4. Turn the move into an adventure. Ah, moving, it's one of a kind exhilarating experience. Or is it? Don’t let all the packing and unpacking become the only thing that your child will remember about this journey. They may not love all the hustle and bustle that comes with moving, but they will surely love any adventure you add to it. Especially when you’re moving far away, have a road trip so they can discover new places. Show them around interesting landmarks, museums, and other kid-friendly attractions along the route. The distraction will relieve any anxiety the children have and it could help them think that moving is really fun. If you’re traveling from one state to another, don’t forget to collect souvenirs from the places you visit. Arranging these alternative activities can also help you relax, be happy, and bond with the kids.   5. Help them focus on new beginnings, but stick to family routines. Always remind your children that not everything is changing. Sure, you've got a new house in a new neighborhood, but help them understand that it is only really the location. It’s important to keep their routines as much as possible throughout the moving process. Stick to your schedule like afternoon naps, family rituals, bonding activities, study sessions, etc. Keeping these little things consistent will reassure the children that the family is keeping life as normal as possible. Finally, help them focus on the bigger and more exciting things they can look forward to. Is there a bigger park near your place? Are they now allowed to have pets now that your family has a bigger space? Also make sure to sign them up for sports, participate in hobbies, or any other activities that can help them feel more comfortable and will help them make new friends.   Bottom Line We understand that with kids everything is easier said than done, but the best any parent can do is to try not to add to the stress and anxiety that children are having about relocating. The most important way to relieve that stress, however far or near your family is moving, is to stay positive. Keep in mind that kids are like little sponges and they will always take after their parents. If you stay positive, your kids will stay positive. With a little patience—well, probably a lot of patience— flexibility, and creativity, you'll create new memories in your new place in no time.

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  • Millennials and Young Homeowners: Here's Your Guide To Building Home Equity

    Millennials and Young Homeowners: Here's Your Guide To Building Home Equity,Lesia Erickson Group

    Owning a house and having good credit at the same time? In this economy? What if we tell you it's possible? It’s common for young people—those who are below 35 years old (also known as millennials)—to complain about not having money. And typically, they attribute their woes to a poor economy. What people don’t know is that they can actually create wealth through homeownership! How? It isn’t exactly free money, but it’s almost just as easy. You’ll just have to build your home equity. Home Equi-what? Equity, specifically home equity, pertains to how much of the property you actually own. This is usually expressed in percentages, and is basically how much of the property's selling price you’ve already paid for. If you just bought a home, for example, you’ve probably made a down payment. If this down payment is 5% of the seller’s price, your current home equity automatically becomes 5%. If you’ve owned the property for a while, you may calculate home equity by subtracting any outstanding home loans you have from the property’s current market value. So where’s the additional wealth? After paying your down payment, you still have to pay off the property’s outstanding balance. This means that you have time to increase the value of your property, and even improve your credit while doing so.   How to Grow Equity Unlike debt and other expenses, as a homeowner, an increase in home equity is a good thing. Why? Because you are improving your credit through the home's market value, your diligence is paying for your mortgage, and you’re gaining true ownership of your home. Here are some ways that home ownership can create wealth for you: 1. Appreciate Your Home And we’re not just talking about your sentiments towards your home. This refers to ways you can increase your property’s worth. Like they say, buying a home is an investment in itself. a.   Rising Home Prices Before you even buy a home, check the surroundings. Is it accessible? Are there upcoming developments in the area? Is the market doing well? These factors can increase your home’s market value effortlessly, consequently affecting your home equity. b.    Home Improvements If you can, try upgrading areas of your property! Consider adding a shower in the downstairs bathroom, installing a newer stove and fridge, or maybe even planting some trees on your property line. While these improvements may cost you some, they benefit you by increasing your home’s property value. c.     Home Maintenance This simply means preserving the home’s livable condition, as you normally would. A few tips include having regular repair checks on the house and around your property, and preserving unique features, like outdoor decks.   2. Mortgage Payments Mortgage payments are no fun, but this expense can ultimately help you create wealth. For starters, it is important to know that the larger your outstanding loan balance is, the greater amount of interest you pay on it. However, don't worry; we’ve listed a few ways you can avoid this. a. Make a Larger Down Payment Even before you can call a property yours, you can start creating wealth by preparing a bigger down payment. Home property down payments can be as low as 3%. But as previously mentioned, a higher loan balance means more money paid towards interest in the end. It’s also important to note that once you hold 20% equity in your home, you start saving on the cost of private mortgage insurance. This can be an attainable goal for you, but you don’t have to pay for the whole 20% right away. Just consider a slightly higher down payment. For example, saving for a 5% down payment instead of a 3% one gets you that much closer to that 20% home equity target. b. Shorter Mortgage Terms This is tricky because this requires higher payments compared to a long-term mortgage. But if you budget wisely, this is a sure way to build home equity quickly. c. Bi-weekly Payments If the above is too taxing, look into making mortgage payments every two weeks, rather than once a month. The difference? This can result in your 30-year mortgage transforming into a 25-year mortgage. This is because your 12 monthly payments paid annually turns into 13 monthly payments per annum. d. Regular Payments If your budget won’t allow for this, then simply make sure to pay your mortgage on time. This will keep your credit positive, and you’ll gain equity in your home with every payment.   In fulfilling these kinds of commitments, it is up to you to strike a balance between your monthly budget and savings. See what works best for you, so that you can create wealth as a homeowner, by making the most of your home equity.

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  • Notice Of Intent to Foreclose: Know Your Options

    Notice Of Intent to Foreclose: Know Your Options,Lesia Erickson Group

    As a homeowner, there's an f-word that is avoided as much as possible. Even though we don’t want to say it we have to talk about it. Why? Because like most problems, that’s how it’s handled. So say it with us, foreclosure. Most of the time, when people find out that their dream house is facing foreclosure, their world stops. No one buys a house and puts in all the effort into making it a home only to one day realize that it will be taken away from them. Getting a Notice of Foreclosure is something that people dread, and even ignore in the hopes that the problem will go away. Ignoring Your Foreclosure Notice What happens if you don't respond to the notice of intent for foreclosure? When you receive a notice of foreclosure, the best thing to do is take charge. Getting a notice of foreclosure doesn’t mean that the world has stopped because there are many options for you! Even when you get the notice, you can still avoid having foreclosure and bankruptcy on your record. So, to answer the question, ignoring your foreclosure notice will only limit your options and ultimately lead to losing your home. If you’re reading this, and you still haven’t received a notice of foreclosure—in which case you’re at the stage of dreading it—what can you do? Foreclosure Avoidance Plan Banks offer Foreclosure Avoidance Plans for those who want to be extra-sure about their home loans. Always consult with your lender about this first. It will seem like a fair deal, but don't forget that this is actually an additional loan. So now, you’re paying for your mortgage and an additional foreclosure plan. If this is something you can handle, then by all means, go for it!  If you’d rather work on your primary loan before adding another one into the equation, it’s also okay not to enter into a foreclosure plan. Filing for Bankruptcy What if you just totally forget the foreclosure of your house, and file for bankruptcy instead? The good news is, yes, you can do that. Your foreclosure will be curbed if you do this. What happens when you file for bankruptcy is that your lender will not be able to collect the debt from you. The bad news is, courts cannot discharge secured debts that include mortgage payments. What happens here is that since you are filing for bankruptcy, you don't have to pay for your mortgages yet.  However, as soon as your bankruptcy process is complete, your lenders will definitely be back for your debt. In cases like this, homeowners usually struggle with paying for their mortgages after filing in the courts. The worst part is that, most times, these homeowners end up with not just a bankruptcy but also a foreclosure on their record. Your Financial Status Let's say you don’t go with bankruptcy and are looking at simply foreclosing your home. How does this affect your financial status? Your foreclosure report will be on your record for seven years.  Not only that, after those seven years, you may also have to write a report to three major credit agencies to have the foreclosure removed from your record. Although lenders have been more lenient over recent years, those who are approved for new loans, and even credit lines, have to pay higher interest rates. You can’t really blame them, though. They see those who have a record of foreclosure, with or without bankruptcy, as more of a liability than those who have a clean record. You're Not Alone Yes, getting a Foreclosure Notice is something you might have never thought would happen to you. It has been found that this has actually become more common recently. A 2013 study found that over 4.1 million foreclosures were completed in the United States during September 2008-December 2012. This is quite a big number and does not even include those who avoided foreclosure through some of the methods mentioned above, those who opted to sell their homes, or those who found ways to work things out with their lenders.

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  • Tips On Setting A Home Renovation Budget

    Tips On Setting A Home Renovation Budget,Lesia Erickson Group

    When a homeowner starts to consider a home renovation, it's easy to grow overwhelmed, because it seems like such a monumental task. Perhaps this comes from the notion that all makeovers have to big, bold, and new. Think shows like “Extreme Makeover” and “House Flippers”. Most think the only allowable ending to a renovation is that you walk into your new living room and start sobbing with joy beholding your stunning, beautiful new life. Does it really have to be that grand, though? You want to do a good job, sure-- but is it really necessary to spend obscene amounts of money? Let's put a realistic budget on your needed and/or wanted home renovation. Whether it’s simply a kitchen revamp, a bathroom remodel, or a complete overhaul of your property, we have the perfect tips to keep you from breaking the bank.   1. Estimate Scientifically. Even in home renovations, there's a rule of thumb—don’t spend more on the area you’re renovating than its ultimate potential value. An area in your home accounts for a certain percentage of your entire property. A kitchen, for example, may be considered 10-15% the house’s market value. Make sure to compute for this first, and try to calibrate it with your budget.   2. Reality, not Fantasy. One of the most common mistakes homeowners make while budgeting for a renovation is underestimating the amount of money needed to finish the job. Ideally, you want to renovate your property at the lowest cost possible, but will that budget fit your list of needs and wants? Make realistic estimates (which often means purposely adding a bit of a buffer on every expense) to avoid under-budgeting.   3. Get Quotes from Contractors. Talk to contractors. They do this for a living. Even if you don't intend to actually use one. Contractors will quote you based on your ideal plan, and how they would make it a reality—from manpower to materials needed. Tell them you’re expected budget and see if they can work with it.   4. Be Specific! As you gather quotes from contractors, make sure you communicate exactly what you want done. Contractors should know exactly what they're doing, but if the homeowner doesn’t really know what is to be done on the property, your quote will be vague and likely include many purposeful upsells.   5. Stick to the Plan. To stick to the budget! Make it your priority to stick to your financial plan—your realistic, scientifically estimated, and specific dollar amount. Changing plans mid-renovation has ‘eventually, horribly over-budget' written all over it! Resist any urge to add a little side project along the way. If there’s a little extra money left over, then do that desired side-project after the initially planned renovation is completed.   6. Start Planning Early On. As mentioned, any mid-work alteration in the plan inevitably means an instant budget change. Don't leave anything until the last-minute! If you can, plan even the smallest detail with your contractor early in the process. You can also start lurking through the aisles of hardware stores paying particular mind to the prices of items relevant to your renovation. If you’re renovating your bathroom, for example, you might want to check out new sinks. Mark down some prices. Get a sense of cost. Make a spreadsheet and keep track of everything you find.   7. Plan for the Unexpected. Account for hidden costs! Make sure you have some wiggle room.  If a maintenance issue is uncovered, construction takes a turn because of the weather, or if your vision changes midway, you will avoid undue stress by budgeting flexibly. Allot a buffer of around 15-20% on top of your budget for emergency circumstances.   8. Consider Home Remodeling Options. You may be able to get a loan to finally make that dream renovation happen! There are a few options you can consider—refinancing, cash-out refinance, HELOC (home equity line of credit), and a home equity loan. Make sure to study all your options before you finally take the plunge. Just be sure to keep your long-term financial health in mind. You don't want to sacrifice your future at the expense of the present.

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  • The Annual Home Maintenance Checklist: A Guide For New Homeowners

    The Annual Home Maintenance Checklist: A Guide For New Homeowners,Lesia Erickson Group

    Keeping up with home maintenance tasks can be daunting, especially for new homeowners. It may be hard to accept the fact that sometimes you have to cancel a weekend brunch so you can clean out the gutters and mow the lawn. While these responsibilities could be frustrating, it's what you have to do to protect your biggest investment. Staying on top of these tasks can save you from costly repairs later, and can keep your house running as good as new. While there are many tasks that homeowners should complete each season, this list outlines the chores you should take care of once a year. If you're a homeowner who is or will be celebrating the anniversary of your home purchase, it’s a good idea to start off with this to-do list and give your home the TLC it deserves. 1. Check and update your smoke alarms, alert systems, and carbon monoxide detectors. Alarm systems and smoke detectors are crucial to minimizing damage and saving lives in the event of a fire. Change the batteries of your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and ensure that the systems are in working condition. Now is also a good time to check your fire extinguishers. Make sure you have at least one fire extinguisher and see if it is still within the expiration date. 2. Pressure wash. One of the best ways to make your home's exterior look clean is through power washing. Doing so will also minimize the risk of mold growth and infestation, particularly if you do it once a year. Give your house a good scrub by using a garden hose, renting a power washer or hiring a professional cleaner to do the job. Don’t miss out on cleaning the siding, windows, and patio as well to get rid of any grit. For heavily soiled areas, spot-clean them using cleaning materials that won’t harm your plants. 3. See if your house needs a freshening up with paint. To check if your house's exterior needs a fresh coat of color, look for signs of chipping paint. New paint will not only give your home a new look, but it will also protect it from water damage and rot. This job is best started in the spring. 4. Check your home's humidity levels. The humidity level in your home should be kept at average levels: between 30% and 50% humidity. High humidity is dangerous because it can cause mildew and black mold, while low levels can cause damage such as chipping paint. Low humidity can also make you and your family uncomfortable, causing itchiness and even sore throats! Check your property's humidity using a hygrometer at least once a year. 5. Clean your air filters and air ducts. You should clean your air conditioner parts at least once a year to ensure clean air is circulating in your home. You can clean the air filters and air ducts by yourself or hire a maintenance technician to do the job. 6. Check for termites and pests. For many homeowners, just the thought of having termites in their home can make them cringe, but facing reality is another thing. You should include a termite inspection, which costs no more than $100, in your annual checklist to make sure these pests are not taking over your property. Likewise, don't forget to book an appointment with a pest control service once a year. Unless you want your home to be infested with bugs and other critters, you have to include it on your cleaning schedule. 7. Clean your tile and grout. Cleaning the tile and sealing the grout lines need to be done at least once a year. Not only will it make your home look clean but will help prevent mold growth. While there are many firms that offer professional tile and grout cleaning, you can also do it yourself. You just have to carefully choose the products or materials you'll use so you won’t damage your tile or prevent further damage. 8. Sort out your things and declutter. After spending a year or more living in your home, it might surprise you to realizehow much “stuff” has piled up, taking over your storage space. It's a good thing to sort through your belongings and declutter unnecessary items after you’re finished doing the essential maintenance chores.

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  • The 7-Step Decluttering Guide to Organizing Your Home this New Year

    The 7-Step Decluttering Guide to Organizing Your Home this New Year,Lesia Erickson Group

    We often talk about starting a home improvement project, like a bathroom or kitchen remodel, because we're dissatisfied with the house and are looking for ways to make it even better. But what if the first thing that’s hindering us from appreciating our biggest investment is the enormous amount of clutter that we’ve accumulated over the years? Decluttering is a difficult thing to do, especially for those who have been planning to downsize or simply move out of their current home. Deciding which items to keep, which to give up, donate, or throw out will never be easy. But too much clutter in our home can lead to chaos that can cost us money, time, and even limit our productivity and concentration. According to the Ikea Life at Home 2017 survey Beating The Battles, having “too much stuff” was the single biggest cause of stress in the home. And the simple act of choosing which items to keep and which to discard can ultimately free people from guilt and worry and allow them to focus on what really matters most in their lives, even if taking that step is difficult. New Year is a good time to have a fresh start, so right now is a great time to achieve a more peaceful home by decluttering and organizing your stuff. Here we've gathered some of the best techniques and principles to help you declutter so you can appreciate your home more. Before starting anything, think about what your goals are and your reasons for decluttering. If you don't have a clear goal in mind, you’ll start enthusiastically after sorting through a few items, then find yourself losing momentum because you haven’t started with the right mindset. Experts suggest you create your vision first and think things through before you start organizing. Don’t just say to yourself that you’re going to organize your closet or sort through your cupboard. Instead, think about how you want to maximize your storage space, how you want to store your clothes, or how you can easily get to your preferred herbs and spices when you’re cooking your meals. Take the time to assess your space and understand how you want to organize a particular area in your home. If you're still having a hard time deciding where to start, begin with something easy. Get rid of any broken or expired items, especially hair, makeup, and other cosmetic products, old prescriptions, and medicines. The same goes for any food or canned goods in your pantry that are already past their expiration date. Make it easier for you to focus on your goals by organizing one room or area at a time. Break the job into smaller parts so you won't get overwhelmed with the task at hand. Try choosing a space that makes you feel uncomfortable — whether it’s your makeup and beauty products taking over your vanity drawer, the shelves crammed with books you don’t have time to read, the pile of messy clothes in your dresser, or the unruly cords and cables in your home office. Taking it item by item will help you get things done in a short amount of time. Things like gifts, souvenirs, and inherited items can be the hardest things to part with. Putting a great deal of sentimental value on every item we've ever received as a gift or every item we’ve ever purchased on a vacation is a trap that we all fall into, and it can be impossible for you to get rid of unnecessary clutter if you don’t learn to let go. Even though these things can be connected to a specific memory in our lives, the fact remains that these are still objects, and while some may be worth keeping forever, it’s worthwhile to examine whether all of those items are still creating a positive effect on your life, or if they’re contributing to your stress. It’s important to remember that you are not required to keep all the gifts you’ve received in your lifetime. When evaluating an item, determine whether it is really worth keeping. If you can retain the precious memory without keeping the physical object, then it might be wise to let go. You can check these tips by The Spruce to help you get rid of sentimental clutter without feeling guilty. As you set out to declutter a space in your home, adapt the four-box technique suggested by Becker in to help you with this process. Prepare four boxes that will be titled trash, give away, keep, and relocate. As you consider and evaluate each item, try to place them into one of these four categories so it will be easier for you to sort things out later on. After you've finished, you can return and double check all the items in the boxes and then put them back in their proper locations, or think of ways to discard them. You can always donate them, pass them on, give them away to friends and relatives, or sell them for some extra cash. The biggest pitfalls when organizing are the unending distractions and diversions that will come your way. When you start the task, do your best to ignore any texts, email alerts, or notifications from your social media accounts. Also, avoid the temptation to finish that book you found in a drawer you were cleaning, or review the full menu of a restaurant in that flyer you were supposed to throw out. These little distractions could send you down another path and make you lose focus on your goal. So outsmart these temptations at all costs and remember the tips given above to achieve an organized home. Many of us just don't have the time to focus on getting rid of unnecessary items, but we can still manage the issue if we acquire less stuff to begin with. Before bringing a new item into your home, take a hard look at the things you already own. Disorganization could cost you money when you bring home a new item only to realize you already own something similar. When there’s less clutter, you’ll spend less time trying to find things, less time wondering if you already have something, and less money overall when you’re able to find things quickly and know you don’t need a duplicate. After you're finished, take a step back and look around. Have you missed any area that still needs attention? Once you’re happy with what you’ve accomplished in your newly organized home, it’s now easier for you to dream of your next home improvement project.

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  • Understanding Your Homeowner's Insurance Policy in Case of a Wildfire

    Understanding Your Homeowner's Insurance Policy in Case of a Wildfire,Lesia Erickson Group

    The recent catastrophic wildfires in California have been beyond devastating. These violent infernos destroyed thousands of properties and structures and displaced hundreds of thousands of people living in the affected areas. But if there's one takeaway from this widespread fire damage, it’s that homeowners and renters alike should be sure their insurance policies are up to date, and that they can get enough coverage to rebuild their home after a catastrophe. So whether you live in the Golden State, on the West Coast, or anywhere else in the country, here are some key points about your policy in case you need to make an insurance claim after wildfire damage: Your standard homeowner's insurance policy will cover damages to your home from a wildfire, especially those caused by fire and smoke. It may also include the repair and cleaning of smoke-damaged furniture, water damage from firefighting efforts, as well as debris removal. Depending on the kind of policy you have and whether you live in a high-risk zone or not, you may have coverage for: Dwelling or main property Detached structures like garage and fence Landscaping and other backyard items Personal property Debris removal, and; Living expenses Keep in mind that for personal belongings like jewelry, you may need to purchase additional coverage to protect them since your standard policy may offer lower coverage limits. If your car has also been damaged or destroyed by wildfire, it is typically covered under the optional “comprehensive” portion of your automobile insurance policy. Based on your insurance policy, your house and its contents may be insured for either their cash value or their replacement value. The actual cash value is the depreciated value of your possessions at the time of the loss. In this settlement, your items will be replaced by their current, depreciated value. On the other hand, replacement value will provide you with enough money to replace your lost items. And although you will pay more in premiums, it's often worth it because it can help you go back on the same position you were before the loss. Remember that you shouldn't only focus on the replacement costs of your home and its contents. You should also check your homeowner’s policy for your Loss of Use coverage limits. Loss of Use coverage provides living expenses if your home is deemed uninhabitable as the result of a disaster such as fire or water. Because it will take time to rebuild or repair your home, loss of use covers expenses for temporary residence, moving costs, transportation, and commuting expenses, among others. This key provision is sometimes called Coverage D and in most policies or insurers, it is usually limited to a certain amount and for a specific time period. In case of disasters such as a wildfire, homeowners need to be sure that their policies have strong loss of use provisions. It’s a common mistake for many because they purchase their coverage based on cost and not the actual coverage. So once a disaster strikes, they’re surprised to find out that their temporary living costs are only partially covered. Experts suggest that homeowners review their Loss of Use coverage limits before they suffer a loss so they can be comfortable while they’re on their way to recovery. The Loss of Use provision is only limited to a specific time period, which can pose a new challenge for affected homeowners since it takes time to rebuild. The length of coverage also varies by state. In California, the current law allows for 24 months of loss of use. The good news is that it will increase to 36 months starting January 2019. Some other states, however, limit the loss of use to only 12 months. For many displaced homeowners, the 24 months of coverage may not be enough to cover the actual time needed to rebuild. Most insurance policies also do not consider outside influences that can make it difficult for these homeowners to be efficient with rebuilding. Here are some of the things you can do to make sure your property is protected: 1. Double-check your insurance policy and be sure you have adequate coverage. Homeowners and renters alike, especially those who live in areas at risk of wildfires, should make sure their coverage is adequate and up to date. Review the fine print of your insurance policy and make sure  nothing sneaky has made its way into your policy. You can also purchase additional coverage for code upgrades, which will help cover the cost of bringing your new home up to the latest building standards. This will protect you in case rules have changed for electrical systems or insulation since the year your house was built. 2. Document your home and keep an inventory of your belongings. Take pictures and videos of your home and your possessions through your smartphone, then keep them on a cloud-based storage platform so you can access them anywhere. In case your possessions were ruined by fire, you can use the images as evidence if your insurer disputes something in your claim. In case your area has been affected by wildfires and you have to evacuate, save receipts from hotel rooms, food, or rentals. These additional living expenses could be covered by your insurance policy. 3. Work with the right insurance agent or broker. Working with the right professionals can make a big difference even before a disaster strikes. They can walk you through the provisions of your insurance policy and explain why you may need to pay additional premiums, especially if you're living in a high-risk area.

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  • Why You Must Have Flood Insurance Even If You Don't Live In A Flood Zone

    Why You Must Have Flood Insurance Even If You Don't Live In A Flood Zone,Lesia Erickson Group

    This year, Hurricane Florence brought tragic damage to the Carolinas and the Eastern Seaboard. And like recent major storms such as Harvey and Irma, Florence has caused massive flooding throughout the region. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), no home is completely safe from potential flooding. And without flood insurance, homeowners have to pay out of pocket or take out loans to repair their home and replace its contents. Flood insurance can mean the difference between recovering and being financially devastated. So why risk it when your largest financial investment is at stake? It can take you less than a month to make an offer and close on your dream home, but rebuilding it after flood damage could take months or even years. Here are five crucial reasons why homeowners should carefully consider getting flood insurance: 1. Your standard homeowner's insurance policy does not typically cover flood damage. Many American homeowners are unaware that flooding is one type of natural disaster that isn't covered by their standard home insurance policies. In fact, at least 43% of homeowners incorrectly believe the damage from heavy rain flooding is covered under their standard insurance, according to the 2016 Consumer Insurance Survey by the Insurance Information Institute. Most homes in the counties that were hardest hit by Hurricane Florence in September 2018 were underprepared for the aftermath of the storm. A Washington Post analysis revealed only one in 10 homes has flood insurance. Since your regular home insurance doesn’t typically cover flood damage, you will need a policy offered through the government’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The average annual premium for a policy through the NFIP was $866, although it is expected to rise about 8% this year. The program's maximum coverage is $250,000 for your home and $100,000 for its contents. 2. Your home can be miles away from a floodplain or any bodies of water and you can still be a victim of flooding. It takes just one inch of water to cause $25,000 of damage to your home, as reported by FEMA. You can live miles away from water and your area may be low-risk, but it doesn't mean there’s no risk involved. Surprisingly, over 20% of flood insurance claims come from properties outside high-risk flood zones. While homeowners in high-risk areas are likely required by lenders to get flood insurance, it’s also recommended that those who live in low- to medium-risk areas also consider buying a policy. 3. Flood maps can change! Here's a sad truth: floods can happen anywhere. Floodplains and floodplain maps change and evolve. When you bought your home, you may have thought, “There’s no need for a flood insurance policy because I don’t live on a floodplain.” But that doesn’t mean your area will always be low risk. You can check the site to learn more about the flood risks in your area. It’s also a good tool if you want to get more information about the risks, premiums, and agents near you. Your insurance agent can also be your go-to person during your research. 4. Floods are the most common weather emergency. Anywhere it rains, there's the possibility of flooding. And according to FEMA, flooding can occur from hurricanes, tropical storms, cyclones, plain old heavy rains, winter storms, spring thaws, overburdened or clogged drainage systems, or occasionally from nearby construction. It doesn’t even have to be caused by a major weather emergency for your property to be affected. Likewise, flood insurance can pay whether or not there is a Presidential Disaster Declaration. 5. There is a 30-day wait period before the policy goes into effect. You can't wait until a hurricane is bearing down on your area for you to get flood insurance. Most policies have a 30-day waiting period between when you buy the coverage and when the coverage takes effect. So you need to purchase a flood insurance policy at least a month in advance to be eligible for reimbursement. The only exception to this is when the policy you got was required upon closing on a new home purchase. When an extreme storm hits your area within the 30-day period, you’ll have peace of mind that your new home and its contents are insured. Bottom Line Flood insurance premiums vary depending on the home's elevation, the date of construction, and the relative risk of the area. And while the NFIP program has a maximum of $350,000 in coverage for your home and its contents, you may opt to buy excess flood insurance through a private carrier that would cover an amount above the national program’s limits. It may be expensive, but don’t skimp on a flood policy and protect your largest financial investment. If you’ve been a victim of flood damage and your home is uninsured, you may get a grant from FEMA or a loan from the Small Business Administration. However, the money you’ll get may not be enough to cover the damage. According to this article, those federal grants are not designed to bring homeowners back to a pre-disaster condition. Insurance can help you get to where you were before the disaster occurred.

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  • Here's What Life Is Like After Paying Off Your Mortgage

    Here's What Life Is Like After Paying Off Your Mortgage,Lesia Erickson Group

    How great does a mortgage payoff sound? After making your final payment, there's nothing sweeter than seeing in your account that you are already “PAID IN FULL” after a substantial period of 15 or 30 years. Congratulations! Paying off your mortgage is a huge and remarkable milestone—you now own your home free and clear. However, there are still a few things you need to do to ensure that you have a clear ownership of your property. Here are some of those extra steps: Expect to receive some important documents When your mortgage is paid in full, your lender should return the mortgage promissory note you signed when you first took out the loan. The canceled promissory note proves you have fulfilled the terms of the loan and that you no longer owe the lender any money. If you don't receive yours back, the lender should at least send you a payoff notice to show you now have a zero balance on your home. The lender may also send you the canceled trust deed, which secured your loan with title to your house and which conveys the home to a lender if the borrower defaults. You also need to check your credit report to make sure your mortgage account now shows a zero balance. It may take a few weeks to receive your paperwork, which should include a Satisfaction of Mortgage statement—a document stating that you’ve paid off your home. If you received nothing after a couple of weeks of making your last payment, call your lender to check on your paperwork and make sure it will soon be on its way. Release of lien Once you've paid off your loan in full, your lender will send a document to the county or city registry office notifying them that your title is now clean. That means the lien the lender attached to the property when you got your mortgage is no longer valid. He/she will prepare a Release of Deed of Trust or Satisfaction of Mortgage that will discharge your property from any claim. When there is no longer a lien on your property, it means all the equity is now yours especially if you decide to sell your home. Cancel your automatic mortgage payments If you're like most homeowners who’ve set up automatic payments through their banks, you now need to contact your bank and tell them to turn off the automatic deduction for your mortgage payments.   Update your payment for property taxes and homeowner's insurance For most homeowners, their property taxes and homeowner's insurance were likely escrowed by their lender and rolled into their monthly mortgage payments. Once you’ve paid off your loan, you’re now in charge of making those payments. For property taxes, contact your local taxing authorities to make sure you’ll receive the bills and avoid a hefty fine if you were late with your payments. Likewise, for your homeowner’s insurance, contact your insurance company or insurance carrier to have the lender removed from the policy. The lender will no longer have any claim to your house, so they should not have the legal right to any insurance payout in the case of fire and other damage. If your house suffered significant damage and your lender’s name remains in the homeowner’s policy, it can make filing and collecting of an insurance claim more complicated because you’d have to deal with the lender first before you could even get your insurance check. Now that you’re taking over those payments, you must set aside enough cash to pay for both. Experts highly recommend homeowners to create their own escrow account or open a bank account where they can deposit the funds needed to cover those each month. The good news is that your lender is likely to have kept extra funds above and beyond what you actually owed in taxes (when your payments were held in escrow). You should get that reserved collection a couple of weeks after making your final payment in the form of a check from your lender. You can put that into your account and you can also deposit the same amount as your mortgage each month until you have enough to cover your property taxes and homeowner’s insurance premium. Keep your documents in a safe place Well, you're not exactly at risk of losing your house if you lose your deed. But it can be quite a hassle to replace it. If you do lose it, you can claim a new deed in the county that your house is in by paying a small fee. It’s an important document that signifies your ownership of your home, so better keep it in an actual safe or even in a safety deposit box. It’s also for security reasons just in case things go badly down the road, such as if someone questions your ownership of the property (it isn’t impossible!), or if someone comes claiming you didn’t pay the loan off in full. Because a mortgage can be your largest financial commitment in life, it's the last thing you need to pay off before you can consider yourself debt-free. You can finally kiss that debt goodbye for good after making that last payment and allocate the money you were using to pay it down each month towards other financial goals. You now have some serious cash you can spend whenever you want. But on the wiser side, it’s important to not feel overwhelmed by all these extra cash and miss the opportunities to achieve other concrete goals you are looking forward to, such as a car, a vacation home, and other big purchases. You can also keep part of that money in your bank account or in your retirement fund. If perhaps there are renovations you’ve been dying to do in your home, you can now achieve them and boost its resale value. Or you can make modifications to help you age in place and enjoy the latter years of your life in your beloved home. Allocating your monthly mortgage payments elsewhere after making your final payment can give you more financial freedom to invest in your home and in yourself. You no longer have to worry that you owe anyone any money. For retirees or those who are nearing their retirement years, it can be one of the best feelings in the world. Now that the hardest part is over, go treat yourself. You deserve it more than anything. That house is now yours—free and clear of any liens and issues about ownership. It's an outstanding achievement worthy of a big celebration. In Scotland for an instance, homeowners paint their front door red to signify that they have paid off their mortgage. Go on, paint your door red if you like to. It’s worth proclaiming that you’re now mortgage-free after all these years!

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  • The Things You'll Love and Hate About Living in an HOA Community

    The Things You'll Love and Hate About Living in an HOA Community,Lesia Erickson Group

      Love: Offers a range of amenities and recreational areas You can have access to a range of amenities being offered by the HOA, such as swimming pools, gym or workout stations, and tennis court. There are also recreational areas for residents, like walking trails, jogging paths, playing fields, and community center.   Hate: Restrictive rules and covenants While they differ from community to community, each HOA has its own declaration of “covenants, conditions, and restrictions” or CC&Rs. These are the rules that residents have to follow while living in the community. The goals of these rules are not to meddle but to maintain the attractiveness of the neighborhood and the value of the properties. However, some homeowners may find the covenants to be too restrictive or unreasonable since it prevents them from enjoying the freedom they want to have over their home.   Love: Less work and maintenance Living in an HOA community could mean less work for you as a homeowner. HOAs handle services such as exterior home repairs, lawn care, snow removal, and pest control. They are also responsible for the upkeep of common areas, buildings, and shared amenities.   Hate: You can't paint, decorate, or renovate your home in the way you like it Those CC&Rs mean the modifications you can do to your home is limited. Before you can push through with painting your home in your chosen colors, installing a play area or swing set, decorating for the holidays, or adding a new room, you may need to first seek approval from the HOA. If you don’t like someone telling you what to do with your beloved home, an HOA may not be right for you.   Love: The community’s uniform look helps keep home values The appearance of homes within an HOA must meet the association’s standards, which helps maintain the neighborhood aesthetic and higher home prices. Those desirable amenities can also help increase your home’s value.   Hate: All those associated and mandatory fees HOAs charge a monthly, quarterly, or annual fee that primarily goes to the maintenance and handling of the common areas and buildings. The fees vary depending on the neighborhood’s location and the amenities being offered.   Love: Handles disputes between neighbors Rather than getting into a nasty confrontation with your neighbors about their unkempt lawn, noisy dogs or loud parties, you can ask the HOA to handle the dispute on your behalf. The HOA can send them a notice or a warning for any activity that well violates the rules and regulations.   Hate: The threat of foreclosure after missed payments While laws vary by state, an HOA can move to foreclose on your property if you fail to pay the monthly dues or have delinquent assessments by placing a lien on your property. So make sure your budget can handle those fees so you won’t fall behind on payments and risk losing your home.   Love: The community newsletters The regular news, tips, and reminders can keep homeowners updated and equipped with valuable information.

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